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Getting Used To Dentures

Know What To Expect With Your New Dentures

Living with dentures is always a new experience for those who have them for the first time.

No matter how well they’re made and how perfectly they fit in your mouth, new dentures will always require a period of adjustment. During this period, it’s normal to experience some discomfort or soreness, especially when your gums are still recovering from a tooth extraction. But once you’ve gotten used to your new dentures, they’ll feel like a normal part of you, as if they had been there all along.

To make this adjustment period less stressful, it helps to know what to do and what to avoid when it comes to living with new dentures.


If you’re like most patients, the biggest adjustment you’ll need to make is in how you eat. When you start out with your new dentures, we recommend you:

  • Eat soft food – This includes soups, eggs, chopped meat, mashed potatoes and other food that require minimal chewing. The softer and easier they are to eat, the less stress you’ll put on your dentures, gums and jaw.
  • Avoid hard, and sticky food – This food takes more effort to chew, putting more pressure on your dentures and gums. Sticky food can also get stuck easily in between your dentures, which will require more cleaning and maintenance.
  • Chew slowly – The slower you chew, the less pressure you’re likely to put on your gums and dentures. This is especially important when your gums are still recovering from a tooth extraction and getting used to your new teeth replacements.
  • Take smaller bites – The larger your bite, the more force and pressure you’ll need to use to chew your food. By taking smaller bites, you can chew with just the right amount of bite force to eat your food.

Talking is one other area that you’ll need to deal with after getting new dentures. It can seem awkward and uncomfortable at first, but with enough time and practice, you’ll find that you’ll talk normally again sooner rather than later. To make this process easier, we advise our patients to:

  • Talk slowly and out loud– Speaking with new dentures can feel uncomfortable in the beginning, so it’s best to talk slower than you normally would at first and then work your way up to your normal speed of conversation. Singing and reading out loud will allow your tongue to find the correct position for enunciating your speech.
  • Bite before speaking – Biting gently on your dentures before speaking can help keep them in the right position so that they don’t slip out unnecessarily while talking. This is especially helpful when your gums are still recovering and not back to their normal size yet.
  • Be mindful of your volume – Many patients find themselves talking louder than they usually do when they get their new dentures. That’s because dentures fill up your oral cavity in a way you’re not used to, affecting the way you hear the sound and vibrations of your voice as it travels from your jaw to your ears. By being aware of these changes (if any), you can adjust your volume accordingly as you get used to your new dentures.
Daily Life

Talking is one other area that you’ll need to deal with after getting new dentures. It can seem awkward and uncomfortable at first, but with enough time and practice, you’ll find that you’ll talk normally again sooner rather than later. To make this process easier, we advise our patients to:

  • Experiment with denture adhesives – If you have removable dentures that are constantly slipping out, then you can try denture adhesives that can keep them in place and prevent gum irritation in the early stages. Keep in mind, however, that these adhesives will not fix dentures that simply fit incorrectly.
  • Practice regularly – If you have trouble speaking certain words and phrases with your new dentures, then work your way up slowly by practising them at home. The more you practice and work on these problem areas, the sooner you can speak those words without much trouble at all.
  • Remember to be patient – Everyone adjusts to new dentures differently, so take your time and don’t rush your recovery and adjustment.

No matter what type of dentures you get, remember that it always will take some time to get used to them. Your mouth and gums are some of the most sensitive areas in your body, so it’s only natural to experience some discomfort soon after getting new dentures.

With that said, while mild soreness and discomfort can be normal, ongoing pain is not. If you’re experiencing constant soreness, nagging discomfort or anything else that just doesn’t “feel right” with your new dentures, don’t hesitate to have it checked by your prosthetist.